Sunday, May 22, 2011

It's Week 5!!!!!!

Soooooooo... Is that day of the week again and very excited about it. During the week I was told to start checking my weight twice a week (Wednesday and Sunday). As you know last Sunday my weight was 138 lbs... on Wednesday my weight went up to 139lbs. Today I gained 2.5lbs more (141.5lbs). I'm so amazed how my body is gaining weight fast. And people are starting to notice I'm beginning to expand a little. I can feel it in the shirts I wear too. YAY!!!! Just feel fat. LOL But is ok... after I reach a weight goal of 155lbs to 160lbs, I'll start shredding so I'll be ready for my next photoshoot or photoshoots.

This week's workout has been Week A schedule; working out 7 days a week, lifting heavy, 4 sets.... I even hurt my lower back Wednesday while working out legs (must be careful), but was able to complete my workout. Today I'll be doing abs... so wish me luck in doing a good one. LOL

In other news.... I need a freaking haircut!!!! LOL I hope I get my hairstylist Luisa V to tell me when she is available this week so I can look purdy.

Till next time my readers!!!

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